Treasure Mountain Silver Property
Located 30km east of Hope, British Columbia, 150 km east of and 3 hours drive from Vancouver
Project is adjacent to Nicola Mining Inc.’s Treasure Mountain Property, site of the previous operating Treasure Mountain Silver-Lead-Zinc Mine which exploited polymetallic veins.
Drill permits in place
Some highlights of reported historic work within the Treasure Mountain Silver property include (as per British Columbia MINFILE and Mineral Assessment Report Records):
- Rainy (Cedarflat) occurrence (north-central region): 2011 grab samples from rock piles near an adit were reported to return 6.5, 7.4 and 11.9% zinc.
- Spokane (northeast region near Jim Kelly creek): A sample reported in 1913 of 4.11 g/t gold over 0.9 meters across the zone.
- John Bull (northeast region near Jim Kelly creek): A channel sample reported in 1937 of 9.6 g/t gold over 0.18 meters across a quartz vein.
- Railroad creek area copper showing ( east region north of Railroad creek): Two 2011 grab samples from rock piles near adits were reported to exceed 1% copper and up to 76.4 g/t silver.
- Rio Grande (southeast region): A 1.5 meter chip sample across a shear zone was reported in 1929 to return 1.2% zinc.